Emergency Management

Shakeout Flyer

Welcome to the Clatsop County Emergency Management Department (CCEMD) homepage-- we're glad you're here!  

The CCEMD plans, coordinates and supports a wide-range of activities that help prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters and large-scale emergencies.

Stay on this page to get current information on weather, events and activities in the community/region.  For additional resources, refer to the buttons on the left of the screen or the links below.

What's New and Seasonal Information

6 Weeks Ready Campaign

Beginning the first week of Preparedness Month on September 6 and ending on October 19 on the day of the Great Shakeout, check in each week to learn more about getting prepared for earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters in Clatsop County!

Tsunami Evacuation Route in Clatsop County

Virtual (recorded) presentation by DOGAMI's Laura Gabel highlights the Beat the Wave map series and original Tsunami Evacuation Brochures.

Current Conditions, Alerts & Warnings

Emergency Management Program Features & Resource Information


CLATSOP ALERTS  Emergency Notifications and Community Information

WHEN EMERGENCIES HAPPEN  When to Call 911 and Non-Emergency Numbers

HAZARDS TO PLAN FOR  Natural, Technological, and Human-Caused



ABOUT US  Emergency Management Program Overview



Didn't find what you were looking for or think we could do better?  We're continuously striving for improvement, so if you have any feedback or suggestions for improvement, please clatsopemd [at] clatsopcounty.gov (email us).