Emergency Preparedness Campaign Week 3: Protect Family & Property

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6 Weeks Ready

The third week of Clatsop County’s “6-Weeks Ready” campaign for personal emergency preparedness is here and the theme is: “Protect Family and Property.”

Each week a new preparedness focus is introduced and leads to the Great Shakeout earthquake drill on Thursday, Oct. 19.

“The Oregon HazVu geohazards viewer is a wonderful resource hosted by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI). It’s a simple online tool that lets you put in an address to see if your home, school, work or surrounding area is in a tsunami evacuation zone, wildfire area, at risk for a landslide or other hazard areas,” said Justin Gibbs, Clatsop County emergency management director.

“The more you know about your risk, the better able you can prepare for a disaster,” he said. “Although it is simple to use, we’ve put together a quick video that walks you through using the hazard viewer.”

Clatsop County’s 6-Weeks Ready campaign provides residents and businesses with an opportunity to increase preparedness efforts. The 6 Weeks Ready campaign ends with the Great Shakeout, and the County encourages everyone to register online to participate.

Week 1: Sept 6            Building a Kit

Week 2: Sept 13          Disaster Planning with Everyone in Mind

Week 3: Sept 20          Protecting your Family & Property in a Disaster

              Sept 26          Countywide ClatsopAlerts! emergency communications test

Week 4: Sept. 27         Food & Water in an Emergency
              Sept. 30         Get Ready Clatsop County Preparedness Event

Week 5: Oct 4              Earthquake Safety

Week 6: Oct 11            Tsunami Evacuation


The campaign ends Thursday, Oct. 19, the day of the Great Shakeout. “We encourage everyone to register online to participate,” he said.

Personal preparedness and other emergency preparedness information can be found at Get 6 WEEKS READY Clatsop County | Clatsop County Oregon.