Recording Death Certificates

Important Notice: Recording Death Certificates - Effective January 1, 2014

Effective Wednesday, January 1, 2014, HB 2093 amends Oregon Revised Statute 432.124 and prohibits Oregon County Clerks from recording certified copies of Oregon death certificates if the Death Certificate contains medical information related to the cause of death. Certified, fact of death (short form Death Certificates) may be recorded.

Certified copies of Death Certificates are recorded in conjunction with owning or having a claim or interest in land and will be rejected and returned unrecorded if the certified copy has been altered or if the Death Certificate contains medical information related to the cause of death.

If you are including an Oregon Death Certificate with items to be recorded, please ensure that it is a Certified, fact of death (short form certificate).

If you are requesting a certified copy of an Oregon Death Certificate that will be used in recording documents, please ensure that you request a short form death certificate.

If you provide Oregon Death Certificates to individuals, please make them aware that they may need a short form death certificate if they intend on recording the Death Certificate.

If you have questions, do not hesitate to the Clatsop County Clerk's office at (503) 325-8511.